Founder interview

Jeu George, CEO of Orkes and Former Netflix Architect

In this episode, we are joined by Jeu George, Co-Founder and CEO of Orkes, and a former architect at Uber and Netflix. Jeu shares his journey from working on groundbreaking projects like Netflix Conductor and Uber Marketplace to founding Orkes, a leading orchestration platform for developers. We explore his insights into cloud computing, distributed systems, and building scalable architectures that power modern applications. Jeu also discusses innovations like Netflix’s interactive content (Bandersnatch) and the role of workflow orchestration in the tech industry today. Learn how Jeu’s experiences at tech giants shaped his approach to solving complex problems and building reliable, secure systems. Whether you’re interested in software engineering, leadership, or the future of technology, this episode offers valuable perspectives from a seasoned industry expert. This show is supported by A company that helps venture-backed Startups find the best people available in the market, who have the skills, experience, and desire to grow. With over a decade of experience in recruitment across multiple domains, they give people career options to choose from in their career journey.

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